Mythology â—† History â—† Mystery

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Story Of The Mahabharata

The Mahabharata is the great epic book of hindu mythological history. It is divided into many layer. The main book of the Mahabharata is written in Sanskrit.

The Writer Of The Mahabharata :

After finishing Kurukshetra war and Pandav when died then the Mahabharata story was written. Sage Veda Vyasa decided to wrote the story of the Mahabharata in a book. But he didn't understand how to did it. So sage Veda Vyasa went to God Bhramah and told the problem . God Bhramah suggested to Veda that he must went to Sri Ganesha. He went to sri Ganesha and told the problem then God Sri Ganesha told ' Veda tells the story  and he writes the story in the paper ' . Then sage Veda Vyasa told the and Sri Ganesha wrote the Story.

Concept Of The Mahabharata :

The story of the Mahabharata is based on kourav and Pandav. Kourav and Pandav both belonged the family of Kuru. And they were cousin. They fought each other for Hastinapur throne in the Kurukshetra field.
The story discussed the old civilization and old culture of that time. In this story Kourav took Pandavas kingdom fraudly and get back their 13 years in forest live. When Pandavas  back in Hastinapur Kourav did not give back their Kingdom so they fought each other.
In the Mahabharata we are known about the Geeta which is holy book of Hindus.
The greatest person Krishna was introduced in the Mahabharata.
This book introduced us of women's rights and oath.
In this book we know about great warriors Karna and Arjun
In this book we know about great teachers Parshuram and Dronacharya
In this book we know about Bhishma's oath.

How many slokas in the Mahabharata :

In the Mahabharata there are 100,000 slokas or over 200,000 verse line individually.

Mahabharata original book

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